After much delay and anticipation, the Stage 2 Meaningful Use Final Rules were announced late last week.  Though the primary focus of the new rules were to update (and increase) the meaningful use objectives and measures for the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Program, significant additional components regarding the EHR Incentive Program were also included.  To read the 672 pages of the Final Rule click here.  CMS has also posted a fact sheet which provides a good high level summary of some of the main topics of the Final Rule.  In addition to the Meaningful Use final rules, the Office of the National Coordinator has released its new standards governing certified EHR technology and a fact sheet.  The National eHealth Collaborative hosted a helpful webinar with an overview of these new rules, which can be accessed here.

Stay tuned for further information and analysis of these new rules, including an update regarding 2014, batch reporting for groups, commencement of payment adjustments, Medicaid patient volume calculations, new meaningful use measures, and more.

For immediate assistance regarding these new rules or for information regarding Stage 1 Meaningful Use and the EHR Incentive Program generally please contact Elana Zana.